Dec 1, 2016 6:18:51 GMT
[attr="class",sttitle"]site rules
[attr="class","desire-3"][attr="class","fa fa-heart-o"]
Characters should be registered using first and last name in all uppercase. Please try and make the username something relevant to your character (ie. their like firstlast) instead of something like moondance98435. Please remember that STUDENTS ARE CANON ONLY, but older originals may be made (19+). The help desk has a collection of face claim resources for you to use!!2.
Respect is a big deal around here. This includes everyone, even the admins. If you feel like you have a problem with another member (or admin), please send a message to one of the other admins, and we'll do the best we can to take care of things in a mature and respectful manner.3.
All applications have seven days to be completed. Within that time frame, if the application isn’t completed it’ll be automatically denied. If you’d like more time or would like your application moved back to be completed, please let a member of the staff know. Keep in mind that once the application is deemed inactive/expired and moved to the proper forum that the face claim automatically goes up for grabs.4.
On PJRP, we don't have a traditional application, only a shipper which can be found here. It was coded by our wonderful, coding genius @lena, so if there's any issues with figuring out how to edit it (bc we know it's a lot of coding for a newbie) please direct all questions to her!5.
We have no word count here, so write what you'd like. As much or as little. Quality over quantity. However, there is an unspoken rule that you should have the courtesy to try and match your partner. (ie. don't take a wanted ad if you can't keep up to par with the person requesting it)6.
This is a mature site, so there could very well be reference to sex, drugs, and violence. Strong language is also a thing you'll see. However, we ask that if you have an explicit, mature thread, label it somewhere in the title, please.7.
Although our canons have undetermined faces, we do ask that you use common sense when choosing playbys. We're not going to be picky about canon faces, but if they have siblings, try to make them have similar features.8.
Please post on your accounts at least once every ten days, or we will switch your account to inactive. Once your character is made inactive, your claims are all up for grabs. If you find this has happened and would like to reactivate your account, pm an admin.9.
Our absences are all in one thread, with a template for you to fill out. This is to make it easier on the admins to figure out who is away and who isn't. If you have an absence up and apply for a new character, it will be pended until your return from your absence. If your character has been made inactive, you will be unable to make a new one for seven days.10.
The first five characters are gimmes. That means you can make them one after the next. however, to continue making characters after your fifth, you must obey the following rules. 6th char: must have 500 total points
7th char: must have 1000 total points
8th char: must have 1500 total points
9th char: must have 2000 total points
10th char: must have 2500 total points
11th+ char: must pm an admin.
Our avatars are 250x400. Make sure that you're using the right sizes and try to look for HD pictures because they're so lovely. You can easily find good quality pictures of any celebrity on tumblr so make sure to try that! Signatures are disable bc, quiet frankly, they're ugly.12.
We are models preferred; however, we accept actors and actresses, famous youtubers (zoella sugg, jack & finn harries etc., etc.) as well as musicians, but please don't use any myspace people or the like, and please don't use any faces associated with porn either. As for your character's age, please make sure to keep them within a -/+ 5 years age rule; meaning, if the face claim you're using is 25 years old in real life, you can make your character anywhere from 20 to 30 years old, but nothing above or beyond that.13.
To create a professor, you must first have an established character on the site~ that means being active and reliable bc teachers are important and we want to make sure they can stick around!! Professors are 25+ and you are required to post lessons per year (so that's 7 lessons per class!!! Preferably one a month, but we aren't gonna be picky about that). Lesson plan ideas will be suggested by the staff, but you may choose to run your lessons however you want!